Instantly absorbing, suspenseful, action-packed and even witty.
A story full of mystery and mayhem with some great alpha
males and lots yet to surely come. A great start to what is
already a highly addictive series!
I stood in the middle of the room, unmoving – I barely breathed. My life had just become surreal, impossible, and one enormous lie. I needed to go, to run somewhere, anywhere to beat back the reality that was rapidly closing in around me. The image of him was burned into my retina, flashing over and over again like a warning. He was trapped somewhere between human and decidedly not, and I realized that was my new reality.
I was too.
After the death of her parents, Ruby awakens from a lifetime of shadows and finds herself alone, thrust into a world of lies, deceit, betrayal and the supernatural.
As her quest for truth continues to come up short, she realizes that maybe some questions really are best left unanswered.
When her true identity is finally unveiled, she is forced to choose between two of the mysterious men who continually seem to crop up in her life.
She chooses poorly.
Now abandoned, Ruby must learn to call on the darkness within to survive, or spend a hellish eternity imprisoned because of it.
Absolutely addictive! I was hooked immediately by the prologue which was imbued with mystery and left you with a flurry of questions and a desire to desperately know the answers. Ruby, our protagonist, wakes up alone in the woods, covered in blood and able to see for the very first time in her life. She is 28 years old and had always been blind, until that fateful day where time was lost, she could now see and her parents were dead. Unable to walk, she recalls a man saves her just as darkness begins to envelop her once again.
Almost a year later, we begin to learn more about Ruby. She’s a rather interesting character… fearless, sarcastic, frustrating at times, too trusting, but with a “balls to the wall” kind of approach to the situations in which she finds herself. We learn she’s been a bit of a shut-in, favoring working on the jewelry she makes and avoiding the risk of blacking out (which has happened before). One night, she boldly and decisively hits a club only to run into some trouble and unexpectedly come face-to-face with the green eyes of a man she saw in the woods almost a year ago.
Enter Sean. Menacing. Mercurial. Mysterious.
After some interesting run-ins with each other, a friendship ensues and the two of them get to know each other… kind of. Sean is intense and enigmatic and Ruby doesn’t really know him, despite the comfort and familiarity she feels with him. She challenges him with fits of temperamental snark, something she realizes perhaps no one else dares to do. But despite his piercing and sometimes frightening gaze, he has a soft spot for Ruby and Ruby has a soft spot for him.
Soon after, we meet another ominous and alluring character, Eric, with whom Ruby feels an unexplained pull towards. Eric and Sean seem to have a past which has resulted in a mutual and deep hatred for each other. Torn between her feelings for Sean and her desire for Eric, Ruby finds herself in an unfamiliar situation.
A series of events is set into motion and the story really picks up after the second half, with action, revelations and betrayals. We meet more characters and even now, I don’t really know who the main love interest is supposed to be in the story. We also meet Cooper, who seems to be a kindred spirit almost to Ruby… he’s kind and serious, faithful but intense. The conclusion of the book arrives after some non-stop, nail-biting action that had me on the edge of my seat. After reading this first book, I can’t wait to keep going and see what the heck is going to happen with these intense and mysterious cast of characters!
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