Abbi, wishing you the happiest of birthdays! We ♥ You!
Thank you for all the amazing books!

♥ We’re celebrating with a giveaway!!! ♥
***Enter Here***
Open Internationally
You could win….
- Print copy of The Vincent Boys – shipped from The Book Depository to eligible countries
- Print copy of Fallen Too Far – shipped from The Book Depository to eligible countries
- ‘Vintage’ Swag Mini-Packs: includes the original promotional bookmarks for Predestined and The Vincent Boys, plus an Existence book plate, all signed by Abbi.
♥ Connect with Abbi ♥
On Instagram
💻: marketing director at @dell
☁️: books + beauty + style + life
🍬: @sugarrushcharms - Next drop 💘 soon!
👇🏻: Read my blog + shop my IG + charms