I am a HUGE fan of the Chocolate Lovers series. Huge. I’ve never laughed so hard in my life! My face hurt from it and I may have snorted wine in the process of reading these books too… It’s a dangerous thing jumping into a Tara Sivec book! And now, I’m thrilled to be able to reveal the GORGEOUS new, redesigned covers for each book in the series!
Aren’t the amazing?!
✦ Buy on Amazon: Seduction & Snacks | Futures & Frosting | Troubles & Treats ✦
I also had the chance to talk to Tara about the series, her recent release, Burned, and about what’s coming next for her! Make sure to enter the awesome giveaway which includes a fabulous new Coach purse filled with copies of the newly designed series!
Seduction & Snacks (#1)
Claire is a twenty-something, single mom that grudgingly helps her best friend sell sex toys while she attempts to make enough money to start her own business to give her foul-mouthed, but extremely loveable (when he’s asleep) toddler a better life.
When Carter, the one-night-stand from her past that changed her life forever, shows up in her hometown bar without any recollection of her besides her unique chocolate scent, Claire will make it a point that he remembers her this time.
With Carter’s undisguised shock at suddenly finding out he has a four-year-old son and Claire’s panic that her stretch marks and slim to none bedroom experience will send the man of her dreams heading for the hills, the pair will do whatever they can to get their happily ever after.
Warning: contains explicit sex, profanity and enough sarcasm to choke a horse.
Futures & Frostings (#2)
Carter, Claire and Gavin have formed the perfect little family. Their friends are getting married and everyone is growing up, maturing and ready to face the future. Or are they?
From bachelorette party hell, porn addictions, dinner roll baseball and botched wedding proposals to finding out everyone’s extended family is chock full of crazy, Carter and Claire begin to question the strength of the ties that bind them. Unfortunately, these ties have nothing to do with fuzzy handcuffs and everything to do with the mounting differences between them.
Will their friends make a mess of things with their inappropriate comments and need to know everything, or will they convince the couple that happily-ever-after sometimes really can start with beer pong?
Troubles & Treats (#3)
Drew and Jenny have spent years being the envy of their friends with their out of control sex lives – well, not really. Mostly it makes their friends want to throw up in their mouths a little.
With two little kids and two busy lives, for the first time, Drew and Jenny aren’t on the same page in the bedroom. Drew will stop at nothing to get his previously amorous wife back in the sack, and Jenny will do anything for a full night of sleep.
Carter and Claire, and Jim and Liz are their usual (un)helpful selves and are full of advice for the discontented duo, wanting nothing more than to help restore order to the usually happy couple’s lives.
In the third and final installment of the Chocolate Lovers Series, will Drew and Jenny find the spark that’s been missing in their marriage, or will the trouble they’re having cause a stickier situation than the time Jenny poured honey all over Drew and he fused himself to a tree?
So excited to see these new covers for the Chocolate Lover’s series! Without a doubt, for me, the funniest books I’ve ever read. I remember thinking HOW can someone be this funny for so many pages. We know some of the story is inspired by real characters, but can you tell us how these books came to be?
Thank you so much!! I would say that probably 75% of each of those books contain true life events/conversations. Before I wrote Seduction and Snacks, I used to have a Facebook page called “Shit My Kids Say and Do”. I was always regaling the hilarious things that came out of my kid’s mouths and after a while, people started telling me I should write a book about them. I contemplated just doing a pop-up coffee table book with quotes from my son and pictures of him flipping people off, but I didn’t think that would go over too well with the in-laws. I’ve written poems and short stories for as long as I could remember, but I never really had the attention span to sit down and write a full-length book. My niece and I always talked about opening up our own bakery/sex toy store so I figured that would be a good way to start the story off. Obviously the main character needed a foul-mouthed child so I could add as many true stories of my own kids as possible, and that’s how Gavin was born. It just took off from there and I didn’t stop until I looked down and said “Holy shit. I just wrote an entire book.”
You’ve also expanded that series into the Chocoholics books. Each story features children of the original crew, Claire and Carter, Liz and Jim, and Jenny and Drew. So we should see one final book, is that right? Molly’s story?
There’s definitely one more book in the works and yes, that will be Molly’s story. When I initially wrote the Chocolate Lovers series, I didn’t think twice about giving these people a shit ton of kids! I don’t know if I have it in my to give each of them a book, it all just depends on which one speaks to me the most.
Does writing comedies come the most naturally for you?
Writing comedy is actually the hardest genre for me to do. I really don’t think I’m funny at all. I second-guess everything I write and my editor probably wants to punch me in the face every time I send her a chapter and say, “This is the dumbest crap I’ve ever written and it’s not funny at all.”
Guuurrrlll, you’re crazy! I think I speak for all your readers when I say that you are one of the funniest people we know! And you’ve given us so much more than laughs, too. You’ve written deeply emotional books, sexy romances, lighthearted love stories and recently, steamy erotic romance. Was it important for you to show your range or did you just explore different stories that called to you? Maybe a little of both?
Having a story speak to me is a huge part of it. That’s why some of my publication dates are pushed back or I change the order of my releases. I can’t force myself to write something I’m not “feeling” at the moment or it wouldn’t be a natural, organic process and the reader would be able to tell. When the idea for “Burned” came about, I was in the middle of writing 2 other books that I was on a deadline for. I had a dream about “Burned” and when I woke up the next morning, I immediately started writing it. I sent the first few chapters to my publicist and she was like “Stop everything and finish this right now.” When a story hits me, it’s all I can think about and it will drive me insane if I don’t get it out of my brain.
When I wrote my first non-comedy book, “A Beautiful Lie”, I was scared as hell for people to read it! They only knew me as “that chick who writes funny books” and I was afraid to put myself out there and show them I could do more than that. I was afraid I COULDN’T do more than that, but I felt that book deep in my soul, as corny as that sounds! Romantic Suspense has always been my favorite genre to read and I always knew I’d want to write something in that category. I wrote the Chocolate Lovers for the fans, but my serious stuff – that’s all for me.
What are some of the other genres you’d like to tackle? What’s intriguing you?
Psychological Thriller is next on my list and my current obsession. My suspense books have twists and turns and some shocking events, but I want to write something that makes people go, “What in the actual fuck just happened here????
When you are writing, whether it be penning a really emotional story, or building suspense, do you zone into that frame of mind or are you able to remove yourself from the story fairly easily? Tell us more about how your writing process affects you as a person.
When I’m just bouncing ideas around or creating an outline, I’m like a squirrel on crack and will work on a hundred different things at once: answering emails, mailing books, conference calls, checking social media, creating teasers, organizing giveaways, etc. etc. When I finally sit down and start writing, people better stay far, far away from me! I’ve been known to snap at my husband or tell him “I didn’t hear a word of what you said for the last five minutes.” It usually takes a few chapters for me to get to that point, but once it happens, all bets are off and if kids need fed they better learn how to make Mac N Cheese or pour a bowl of cereal REAL quick. When I’m in the zone, it kills me to have to walk away but eventually I have to. Kids have homework and sporting events and at some point I need to shower. I will be the first to admit that I get a little crazy when I’m in the zone. By that point, the story has completely consumed me and I feel like even one second away from it will ruin my momentum. It’s always easy for me to get right back to it just be re-reading the last chapter I wrote, but that fear is always there.
Your latest release is Burned—an erotic romance with lots of suspense. For those that haven’t read it, what can you tell us about Burned?
Burned came to me in a dream, as I said earlier. I woke up the next morning, started writing and didn’t stop until it was finished six days later. It’s the fastest I have ever written a book and I told myself at the time that I would NEVER do that again because it felt like my head was going to explode, but you never know! I wanted to push the boundaries with the sex scenes in Burned. In my other books, I felt like I held myself back a little bit in that department. Deciding right off the bat that this book was going to be an erotic romance made it possible for me to just go for it. It also helped that my main character, Collin, is a hot, dirty-talking fireman I’d consider Burned a romantic suspense with some really hot sex thrown in! It’s a story of a woman who is at the end of her rope with her marriage and runs into her first love again after years of not being in touch. He shows her what love is really all about, but they have to literally walk through fire to get the future they each want.
And after we have Branded and Scorched, correct? Can you give us any hints on what to expect?
Just like my other suspense series, Playing With Fire, each book in this series will be about a different couple. You won’t need to read them in order to know what’s going on, but some of the past characters will make an appearance in future books. Burned was about a fireman, Branded is about a paramedic and Scorched is about a detective. Each book will be hotter than the one before it and each couple will have quite a few hurdles to overcome to find their happily ever after.
So what’s coming next??? What we can we look forward to?
Well, first and foremost we have the brand spankin’ new covers for Chocolate Lovers! Right now I’m in the middle of writing the fourth and final book in the Playing With Fire Series – Closer to the Edge, which will be out on September 22nd. After that, I have a special Chocolate Lovers treat coming in October that I can’t talk about just yet I’m hoping to have Branded out in November and Scorched in January. Within the next month or so, I’m planning on sharing the cover/title/synopsis of my psychological thriller that will be out next spring. After that, I think I’ll take a nap!
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