"Dream Bites" Recipe: Key Lime Cream Pie + An Excerpt - Vilma Iris | Lifestyle Blogger

From New York Times bestseller Kristen Ashley and USA Today bestseller Suzanne M. Johnson…

See what’s cooking!

You’re invited to Denver and into the kitchens of Hawk Delgado’s commandos: Daniel “Mag” Magnusson, Boone Sadler, Axl Pantera and Augustus “Auggie” Hero as they share with you some of the goodness they whip up for their women.

Not only will you get to spend time with the commandos, the Dream Team makes an appearance with their men, and there are a number of special guest stars. It doesn’t end there, you’ll also find some bonus recipes from a surprise source who doesn’t like to be left out.

So strap in for a trip to Denver, a few short stories, some reminiscing and a lot of great food.

Welcome to Dream Bites, Cooking with the Commandos!

Half of the proceeds of this cookbook go to the Rock Chick Nation Charities

Book Type:

Short Stories & Cookbook

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"Dream Bites" Recipe: Key Lime Cream Pie + An Excerpt
By Kristen Ashley & Suzanne M. Johnson

“Dream Bites” Recipe: Key Lime Cream Pie + An Excerpt

Coming this week is DREAM BITES: COOKING WITH THE COMMANDOS with short stories by New York Times bestselling author Kristen Ashley and recipes from USA Today bestselling author Suzanne M. Johnson. I had the opportunity to get my hands on this cookbook early and decided to make the Key Lime Cream Pie—it was amazing! I’m sharing how I made the pie below, plus, you can also read an excerpt from the book!

“You come to town, you don’t contact me?” Brett replies. “I’m hurt.”

“I’ve been busy, Brett.”

“Not so busy you haven’t spent quite a bit of time with Magnusson, Sadler, Pantera, and Hero.”



“Have you been following me?”

He ignores my question and carries on.

“And Tack, High, and Smithie.”

The dude is totally following me.

“Um, Brett—”

“And your plane leaves tomorrow morning, first thing.”

“It does not,” I refute. “I don’t do anything first thing in the morning when I’m not writing. That’s Kit’s Lazy Make Up Stories in Her Head Time which intermittently mingles with Starla Deigning to Cuddle with Me Time.”

“I’ll amend,” Brett offers. “Your plane leaves tomorrow, first thing as defined by what you consider first thing after lazy time.”

I roll my eyes before I retort, “I have a cookbook to write.”

“To raise money for women’s charities. And I’m not on your call list?”

Regrettably, he has a point.

“I’ve been dealing with hella whiplash of nostalgia, resurgent sorrow and hot guy overload, cut me some slack,” I demand.

“This is an emerging theme, Kit,” he informs me. “I’m always coming up empty.”

“I don’t know what to say, bruh. Except I got something saved up for you and epicness doesn’t happen,” I lift a hand and snap my fingers, “just like that.”


“Please,” I scoff. “Like I’m not gonna take care of you.”

His smile is slow.

And it’s cute.

And hot.

Lord help me.

“I’ve got some recipes for you,” he states.

My outlook brightens. “Really?”

“Of course.” He turns his head and looks around the wing of his wingback.

Sly reads this cue and walks out of the room.

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