From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author J. Kenner comes a new story in her Stark International Security series…
Entertainment reporter Jamie Archer knew it would be hard when her husband, Stark Security Chief Ryan Hunter, was called away for a long-term project in London. The distance is difficult to endure, but Jamie trusts the deep and passionate love that has always burned between them. At least until a mysterious woman from Ryan’s past shows up at his doorstep, her very presence threatening to destroy everything that Jamie holds dear.
Ryan never expected to see Felicia Randall again, a woman with whom he shared a dark past and a dangerous secret. The first and only woman he ever truly failed.
Desperate and on the run, Felicia’s come to plead for his help. But while Ryan knows that helping her is the only way to heal old wounds, he also knows that the mission will not only endanger the life of the woman he holds most dear, but will brutally test the deep trust that binds Jamie and Ryan together.
From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author J. Kenner comes a new story in her Stark International Security series. TEASE ME is out this week and I’m so excited to share an excerpt with you…
I woke from a long nap less than an hour ago, and the puffiness that had lingered under my eyes has faded. Now I’m freshly showered, my hair falling in gleaming waves and my makeup so perfect I could audition for a Maybelline commercial. Most important for my evening plan, the dress clings provocatively in all the right places, boasts a neckline deep enough to ensure easy access to my breasts, and features a slit high enough to allow anyone sitting next to me a chance to explore parts south. Assuming, of course, that I’ll let him.
I’ve never been one for false modesty, and as I twist and turn in front of the mirror, checking myself from all angles, I can honestly say that I look hotter than hell. Which is good, as hell-fire hot is exactly what I’m going for. I want him panting for me. I want to be that long drink of water he needs so badly it feels as if having me isn’t a matter of want, but of absolute survival.
I buff my nails on my chest and realize I’m smiling. Which, considering that this extremely long day started with me stumbling under a ton of crushing worry and doubt, is a pretty terrific turn of events.
“Helloooo. Earth to Jamie.”
“Oh! Hey. Sorry.” I cringe, realizing I’d zoned out and completely missed everything that Nikki’s been saying. “What did you say?”
“I agreed that you’re awesome. And that under the circumstances, Ryan will totally forgive you for ditching his last name. Although Jamie Hunter does have a certain ring to it.”
“It’s tops on my list,” I admit.
“But I’m worried about you, James,” she continues without missing a beat. And the fact that she’s using the nicknames we gave each other back when we were kids only underscores her
concern. “Are you sure this is the best plan? You have to admit it’s over the top, even for you. It could backfire big time.”
“I better be sure. I’ve already set it in motion.”
“So you’re really going through with it.” It’s a statement, because Nikki knows me better than anyone. And I’m sure she can tell that my mind’s made up.
“Yup.” I draw a breath, feeling my bare nipples rub against the soft silk as my chest rises and falls. I think about my husband, and about how strangely distant he seemed the last time we spoke.
Ryan Hunter is more than my husband. He’s my life. My soulmate. My other half. I might have been scared of the whole marriage thing once upon a time, but I was never scared of being with him. And I will happily claw the face off of anyone who tries to pry him away from me.
Bottom line, I can’t imagine my life without him. More than that, I know him. Something’s wrong. And I’m terrified that it has to do with me.
“I need to stir things up.” I’d made that decision after the last time I talked to him. He’d been distracted, and not just in the normal buried-in-work way. There was something else. Something that made my entire world tilt on its axis. And when he told me that he’d seen someone he once knew…well, the edge in his voice had done a number on me.
I don’t understand it, but I know that it scared me. And it takes one hell of a lot to make me get scared about what’s between Ryan and me.
On the other end of the line, Nikki sighs.
“If it were Damien and he was acting weird…” I trail off, leaving the idea hanging out there for her to take and run with.
“We both know what my answer is,” she says. “Of course I’d do whatever it took to figure out what was going on and to fix it. I’m just not sure that what you have planned is—oh, hell, James. I only want you to be realistic. Are you sure you know what you’re doing? I mean, he’s out of the country for work. He’s busy. It just seems—”
“I’m sure.” I nod to myself, as if cementing my resolve. I have a plan, and my plan is good. Because sometimes you have to push the envelope.
There’s a pause, during which I can imagine my best friend running through every possible argument in her head. But I guess none are persuasive enough because she says, “All right, then. Call me tomorrow? Or at least text me that everything’s okay.”
“Will do. Swear.”
“That’s really the best I’m going to get out of you?”
“Pretty much.”
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