Work of Art is the new sexy, contemporary romance novel from author Ruth Clampett and the first book in the Inspiration series. We get to know the passionate, famous artist Maxfield Caswell and the girl who will capture his heart, Ava Jacobs. Today, I’m thrilled to be able to share the first part of a 3-part exclusive excerpt feature. You can check out part 2 with The Sub Club Books, and part 3 with SBC.
★ Work of Art: Amazon | Barnes & Noble ★
In a life driven by passion, famed artist Maxfield Caswell lives in a world of brilliant color and drama, pushing his art and affairs to his emotional edge. He’s stunning, charismatic and celebrated in the art world, but are the trappings of fame also destroying him?
For years intelligent and bright-eyed Ava Jacobs has worked diligently toward a career in the art world. Ava is swept off her feet when she meets the passionate artist. She soon realizes, however, that he’s on a destructive path—one she doesn’t intend to join him on.
In the decadent world of patrons, art groupies, and predators, feisty and beautiful Ava knocks Max off his pedestal. A stunned Max sees something special in Ava and offers her an opportunity she can’t refuse. As their lives and passions collide, will he realize that she alone has the power to heal him? Can their hearts come together to create their own work of art?
As we get ready to print Max’s art, I prepare the next ink, a vivid shade of violet. I’m charmed that he’s not just hear to observe the process, but that he’s insisting on helping me.
Max moves closer and observes what I’m doing. His eyes have a pensive look, as if he’s hypnotized by my movements and the swirl of color. I roll the first drying rack over and show him how to align the prints that already have been printed.
“Are you going to be able to keep up with me?” I tease.
He arches his eyebrow and gives me a smug smile. “I’ll do my best.”
We begin the new color run and remain quiet while we quickly establish our rhythm. We finish about a dozen prints before I realize he’s not moving. I look up and catch the hooded dark look in his eyes. Color immediately burns across his face.
“What?” I ask tipping my head to the side.
“You,” he whispers just loud enough to hear.
I stop printing and set the squeegee down.
“You’re working on my art—you’re part of it. I didn’t know…I didn’t realize how this would affect me.”
He’s breathing hard and his eyes are wide; it stirs me up. I want to reassure him that I understand that this experience makes me feel even more connected to his art.
“Ava,” he says with urgency and holds onto the press as if he’s trying to tether his emotions to something solid. I’m moved by his show of emotion. “I know, Max. It means a lot to me to be working with you, too.”
“But it’s more than that.” He takes a deep breath. “It’s hard to describe…”
I wait for him to find the right words or simply surrender to what he wants to say. He runs his fingers across his chin and down his throat as he gazes at me. “It’s unbelievably erotic.”
Now it’s my turn to blush and my heart starts to pound. Did I hear him right? Is my entire world suddenly upside down, every straight line now jagged?
There’s a long silent pause as his stare burns with intensity. I feel like he’s seeing me for the first time.
“I’ve really tried, Ava. God only knows how hard I’ve tried. But I can’t fight it anymore.”
I grip the screen’s frame. “What are you talking about?”
“I can’t deny how I feel another day…I can’t stay away from you anymore.”
Stay away from me?
My mind tumbles, trying to consider what those loaded words mean. The opposite of staying away is everything, an open sky that holds us together above our fears. I instinctively respond with an unrestrained heart.
“Then come closer.”
He takes a sharp breath and closes his eyes as the softest smile works its way across his face.
“Will you show me how you do this, Ava?” He waves to the press.
“I want us to experience it together.”
I nod and gesture him toward me. “Come here.”
He walks to my side of the press, and I can feel the energy surging off of him. As a result, every emotion’s passing through me, and I worry that my knees are going to give out.
“Okay, take this and stand here,” I say as my trembling fingers try to hand him the squeegee and step to the side.
“No.” He shakes his head. “I want to do it with you.”
Oh my God…I’m going to combust. How can I do this? The rules have suddenly changed. How can I work so close to this gorgeous man and not lose all control?
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