I love Chelsea Fine and I’m so excited to spotlight her latest release, Right King of Wrong, and her journey in writing this novel. Day after day, she’s sharing some of that experience and you can follow along with these blogs:
Sometimes wrong can feel oh so right . . .
Jenna Lacombe needs complete control, whether it’s in the streets . . . or between the sheets. So when she sets out on a solo road trip to visit her family in New Orleans, she’s beyond annoyed that the infuriatingly sexy Jack Oliver wants to hitch a ride with her. Ever since they shared a wild night together last year, he’s been trying to strip away her defenses one by one. He claims he’s just coming along to keep her safe-but what’s not safe for her is prolonged exposure to the tattooed hottie.
Jack can’t get Jenna out from under his skin. She makes him feel alive again after his old life nearly destroyed him-and losing her is not an option. Now Jack’s troubles are catching up to him, and he’s forced to return to his hometown in Louisiana. But when his secrets put them both in harm’s way, Jenna will have to figure out how far she’s willing to let love in . . . and how much she already has.
by Chelsea Fine
Chapters 5-8
✦✦✦ Chapter 5 ✦✦✦
This chapter was so much fun! I laughed. I guffawed. I grinned until my face hurt… it was a total blast to write. Jack decides to invite himself along on Jenna’s cross-country road trip to Louisiana—without her permission—and he does so by climbing into Jenna’s car when she’s not looking. So naturally, it evoked some strong emotions from Jenna.
Pulling the car door closed behind me, I turn to put the key in the ignition and—
“Ahh!” I jump back, startled and pissed, then thwack my open palm against the gigantic body of pure muscle seated in the passenger seat. “Damn you, Jack! You scared the shit out of me! What the hell?” I snap, throwing him some serious stink eye.
He grins. “Good morning.”
“What are you doing in my car?”
“I’m going with you,” he says.
I whip my eyes back to him. “What?”
“To Louisiana.” He points to a large duffle bag in the backseat.
I blink. “Uh, no you’re not.”
“Uh, yes I am.”
“Like hell.”
He crinkles his brow. “I’ve never understood that phrase. But okay. I’ll go with you ‘like hell,’ whatever that means.”
“Get out of my car.” I point to his door.
“Oh, Jenna.” He clucks his tongue and his eyes flash. “This will be good for both of us.”
For a moment, I stare at him, not sure how to interpret his words. He watches me carefully, clearly enjoying the fact that my mind went anywhere other than his sentence.
I cock an eyebrow and cross my arms. “What are you talking about?”
He casually leans against the passenger window like he belongs in my car, like he’s perfectly comfortable horning in on my space, and pierces me with his gray eyes. “It’s like this. For reasons beyond my control, I need to go back home. And for reasons beyond your control, so do you. So since our ‘homes’ are right next door to one another, I figured we’d carpool to Louisiana and you can just drop me off at Little Vail on your way to New Orleans.”
He gives me that little-boy smile of his and it’s all I can do not to lean forward and soak it in. I hate me.
“I don’t see how that’s good for me,” I say. “At all.”
He shrugs. “You get some company on the road.”
I nod with a clenched jaw. “And you get a free ride.”
His eyes meet mine and I instantly realize that was the wrong thing to say.
His smile grows. “Precisely.”
In this chapter, I wanted readers to get a good idea of how Jack operates. He’s confidant with who he is, despite his dark past, and he’s not afraid to let Jenna know that he wants her—and cares about her.
Jenna, on the other hand, is completely at war with herself. She’s attracted to Jack and has deep feelings for him, but she’s seen how “love” has interfered with the women in her life achieving their own successes, she doesn’t want to fall in love for fear of her own dreams and life goals being jeopardized.
Jack knows this about her, however, and is determined to convince her otherwise.
Chelsea’s Top ROAD TRIP Tunes
While I was writing the road trip scenes (which pretty much includes any scene with Jack and Jenna in the car together) I listened to my own “road trip” playlist on repeat. Here are my top three tunes from that list:
✦✦✦ Chapter 6 ✦✦✦
In this chapter, Jack has a short encounter with Daren, the male protagonist from the previous Finding Fate book. A little window into what was happening back in Perfect Kind Of Trouble when Kayla (the female lead) was inside the inn talking to Jenna.
Daren looks hesitantly at the inn’s front door, as if he’s scared to go inside, but not sure he wants to stay outside either. “I wasn’t good enough for her anyway.”
I take another drag and cock my head. “Girls don’t want guys that are good enough for them.” I exhale. “They want guys who know what they want.”
He looks off to the side. “Then I’m screwed.”
I threw this scene in at the last minute—like, literally the day the manuscript was due—because I had the sudden idea, “Gasp! Jack and Daren should have a chat and maybe relate to one another over their troubles.” So I typed furiously and, twenty minutes later, the scene where Jack and Daren meet and bond of their girl problems was born. Haha.
✦✦✦ Chapter 7 ✦✦✦
Um…I wrote this whole chapter because of ONE sentence I couldn’t find a place for. Haha. Sometimes when I’m writing, I’ll jot down a quick line or phrase that comes to mind and save it for later, planning to throw it into the manuscript at some point.
With Right Kind Of Wrong, I’d jotted down this line:
Flicking our menus up like thin plastic barriers, Jack and I study the restaurant’s dinner selection like we’re prepping for the SATs.
But when I’d finished the first draft, there wasn’t a good place to squeeze this line in. So I wrote an ENTIRE chapter—about Jack and Jenna stopping to eat dinner at a roadside diner—just to accommodate it. Haha.
I also wanted Jack to have a sexy quality that wasn’t visual. Hard abs and pretty eyes are all good and well, but I also wanted Jack to posses something more…sensual. Like a super hot voice. 😉 A voice so sexy, it makes Jenna come undone.
At this particular moment, I appreciate Jack’s silence because it means I’m spared from the sound of his voice.
It’s a manly voice, husky and rough, yet somehow beautiful as it drifts my way and caresses my ears. It’s always been kryptonite for me, much like his omniscient eyes, and in many ways it’s more powerful than even his hands, which is saying something.
Eyes I can turn away from, and hands I can pull back from, but a voice…
A voice is an inescapable lover, unbidden and undeniable. You cannot unhear an enticing phrase or a whispered word, just as you cannot unfeel the heated breath that accompanies such things. And Jack’s voice, especially when saying my name, is my total undoing.
Is it weird that writing that last paragraph really turned me on? Haha. I’m a nerd.
✦✦✦ Chapter 8 ✦✦✦
I Loved. This. Chapter. Every second was heaven for me. For the most part, the reason I write any book, is to tell a LOVE story. So when I reach the scenes where I get to unfold any aspect of “love” I’m just elated. The previous chapters allude to what “happened” between Jack and Jenna last year—something that bonded them in a more…familiar way. In this chapter, Jack reflects on that “something” and it just, gah. I felt for him.
Our hotel beds mirror one another across the propped-open door so I can see Jenna lying on her side, facing me, and she can see me on my back with my head turned in her direction. Our eyes are glinting bits of dark marble, trained on one another in the soft yellow light, as if we’re sleeping side by side in a single bed instead of thirty feet apart in separate ones.
The last time we looked at one another across bed sheets was last December, but it feels like years have passed since then.
Ah. I can’t even. My heart physically ached when I wrote that.
Thank you for taking this journey with me through these chapters of Right Kind Of Wrong! Until next time, I’ll leave you with the closing passage of chapter eight.
When I first saw Jenna, with her mile-long eyelashes, long graceful neck, and diamond stud in her nose, “beautiful” wasn’t the right word. “Striking” was more like it. Looking at her was like being hit by something powerful. A force. A bolt of fire.
She had her back to me at first, but then she turned around and struck me with her golden eyes, and I was scorched on the spot.
And I’ve been burning ever since.
To be continued… 😉
Click the cover image to order on Amazon.
Each book can be read as a standalone.
Chelsea lives in Phoenix, Arizona where she spends most of her time writing stories, painting murals, and avoiding housework at all costs. She’s ridiculously bad at doing dishes and claims to be allergic to laundry. Her obsessions include: superheroes, coffee, sleeping-in, and crazy socks. She lives with her husband and two children, who graciously tolerate her inability to resist teenage drama on TV and her complete lack of skill in the kitchen.
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