As an NHL player, relationships haven’t been my thing. Shrouded in secrecy and speculation, they never last very long. But then that’s what happens when you require an NDA before the first date.
Until Charlene. She’s like a firefly. She’s elusive, and if you catch her she’ll burn bright, but keeping her trapped dulls her fire and dims her beauty.
I caught her. And as much as I might want to keep her, I’ll never put the lid on her jar. Not at the risk of losing her. So I’ve let her set the rules in our relationship.
But as long hidden secrets expose us both, I discover exactly how fragile Charlene is, and how much I need her.
We’re all broken. We’re all messed up. Some more than others. Me more than most.
“We’re all broken. We’re all messed up. Some more than others. Me more than most.”
With the last standalone book in the Pucked series, Helena Hunting imparts the story of Darren and Charlene. A story of two broken people coming together to find something special, but struggling to be vulnerable and open enough to hold on to what they have. Funny, sexy and emotional, PUCKED LOVE delivers a worthy finale to a much-loved series.
Thrilled to share an excerpt from PUCKED LOVE, out this week, as well as offer up a special giveaway!
“Sorry all your significant others saw me naked yesterday.”
“Everyone except Lance has heard me come,” Violet says, because she’s my best friend and is happy to offset my humiliation with her own.
“Um, Lance has heard you come, Violet, and so have the rest of us,” Poppy, Lance’s fiancée, says quietly.
Her face turns the color of her name. She’s so stinking cute. It’s amazing that someone so sweet could end up with one of the most volatile players in the league, who was also dubbed a notorious womanizer—although the media likes to twist things around. And from what I know, Lance is actually a little broken, kind of like me and Darren both seem to be. His childhood wasn’t the best either.
Violet looks confused. “Since when?”
“When we went to the cottage over winter break and you and Alex had sex in the outdoor shower,” Lily replies when Poppy doesn’t respond right away.
“Ooooh, right. Lesson learned on that one, I guess.”
“And only Darren and Miller haven’t seen me naked, so don’t feel too bad.” Lily gives me a side hug.
“Wait, what?” Poppy suddenly looks like she’s ready to go a round. As sweet as she is, she’s a massage therapist, so she’s strong, and dating Lance means she has to have a backbone of steel. She also has a fiery personality to match her hair.
“It was an accident. Randy came home from an away series, and I answered the door wearing a bow like a necklace. I didn’t know Lance was with him until it was too late,” Lily explains.
“And Alex saw her naked when she was six, so that doesn’t really count,” Violet adds.
“Oh. Right.” That seems to calm Poppy down.
“My boob popped out when I was breastfeeding Logan at a team BBQ last summer.” Sunny pats her little baby bump. “But only Miller saw, so I guess that’s not the same.”
“It’s a good one, though.” Violet claps her hands. “Okay. Who needs a drink before the sex-quisition?”
“The what?” Sunny asks.
“The sex-quisition. The sex inquisition. I’m sure everyone has questions for Charlene after last night. I figured nothing goes better with uncomfortable questions about our sex lives than booze! Sunny, I have dealcoholized champagne for us. It basically tastes like fizzy grape juice, but we can drink it out of fun glasses and pretend we’re getting drunk, too.”
Sunny shrugs. “I don’t need to pretend to be drunk, but I like fizzy grape juice.”
Violet serves everyone drinks, and we all head to the living room. This whole thing makes me nervous. I mean, they’re all my friends and we’re all pretty open with each other, but with all the focus on me, I realize that they’re open, while I’ve spent the past two years saying little about my sex life. I wish we could go back to the way it was before all my secrets were spilled out with the dragon-shaped plastic schlong.
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