Less than a month until this year’s RT Convention kicks off in Las Vegas, Nevada! SO MUCH IS HAPPENING!!! You won’t believe the epic lineup of YA authors in attendance, plus the fun-filled and informative panels planned. Add to that games, a huge signing and an unbelievable Teen Day, and there’s no place better to be if you’re a YA reader like me!
Here are a few snapshots from last year’s event, you can also check out more pics in Kami’s 2015 RT Photo Diary.
I’ve been there the past couple of years and this year, I’m helping track-leader extraordinaire Kami Garcia, so I’ve got the inside scoop on the festivities to come! Here’s what you need to know:
More than 100 YA authors will be there, including:
Adi Alsaid | Jamie McGuire | Marie Rutkoski |
Aimee Salter | Jen Klein | Mary E. Pearson |
Alexandra Bracken | Jenna Black | Michelle Knudsen |
Alys Arden | Jenna Lincoln | Michelle Levy |
Amanda Hocking | Jenna Malone | Morgan Rhodes |
Amelie Howard | Jennifer Jenkins | Natalie C. Parker |
Amy Bartol | Jennifer L. Armentrout | Natalie Decker |
Amy Plum | Jennifer Salvato Doktorski | Page Morgan |
Andrea Cremer | Jennifer Watts | Pintip Dunn |
Ann Aguirre | Jess Petosa | Rachel E. Carter |
Anna Todd | Jessica Cluess | Rachel Harris |
Bethany Hagen | Jessica Love | Rachel Higginson |
Brenda Drake | Jodi Meadows | Rachel Van Dyken |
Brendan Reichs | Julie Moffett | Rae Carson |
Brodi Ashton | Julie Murphy | Rebecca Donovan |
C.C. Hunter | Julie Reece | Renee Ahdieh |
C.J. Redwine | K.A. Linde | Renee Collins |
Cameo Renae | K.C. Held | Richelle Mead |
Cate Dean | Kami Garcia | Rosalyn Eves |
Catherine Steine | Kass Morgan | Rosamund Hodge |
Cecilia Ahern | Kate Brauning | Roxanna Rose |
Charlene A. Wilson | Katherin Harbour | Sandy Hall |
Charlie N. Holmberg | Kathryn Rose | Sara York |
Chelsea Krost | Katie McGarry | Sarah J. Schmitt |
Cinda Williams Chima | Kelly Fiore | Scarlett Kol |
Cindy Pon | Kiera Cass | Shaila Patel |
Colleen Houck | Kimberley Griffiths Little | Shannon Dermott |
Courtney C. Stevens | Kimberly Derting | Sharon M. Johnston |
Cynthia Hand | Kody Keplinger | Shawnte Borris |
Cynthia Vespia | KR Wilburn | Sona Charaipotra |
D.M. Marlowe | Kresley Cole | Sophie Jordan |
Dana Elmendorf | L.H. Nicole | Stacey Kade |
Danielle Paige | Lauren Oliver | Stacey Wallace Benefiel |
Debra Driza | Lea Nolan | Susane Colasanti |
Delilah Dawon | Leah Scheier | Tamora Pierce |
Dhonielle Clayton | Lindsay Cummings | Tessa Elwood |
Elizabeth Briggs | Lisa Brown Roberts | Veronica Rossi |
Ellen Hopkins | Lisa Maxwell | Vicki Leigh |
Erica Cameron | Liz Czukas | Victoria Aveyard |
Gayle Parness | Lucy D. Briand | Wendy Higgins |
Ginger Scott | M.D. Waters | Wendy Knight |
Gretchen McNeil | M.S.L.R. | Zoraida Cordova |
Gwenda Bond | Mari Mancusi |
*Please note this list is subject to change.
We have great YA panels you won’t want to miss
Starting next Monday, March 21st, around midday, we’ll be posting a daily graphic on the RT Teen page (← which you need to make sure to LIKE) that will reveal a panel (title, day, time) along with participating authors. Mark these down on your calendar NOW… you’ll want to be there!
We’ll have some games
Along with the panels, we’re keeping things fun with some not-to-miss mega games featuring some amazing authors. We’ll be posting that information on the RT Teen page too. (Hint: Don’t forget to pack your wand!)
As I mentioned above, more than 100 of the biggest YA authors will be at this year’s incredible Teen Day event, which will happen just after RT’s signature GIANT BOOK FAIR!!!
You can chat with authors, play games, plus, thanks to our generous sponsors (Fierce Reads, Swoon Reads, Epic Reads and Random House’s First In Line) any under-18 participants get a BAG OF STUFFED AWESOMENESS!!!!
Get more scoop on Why Teen Day Is The Greatest here.
So now that you have the scoop on what to expect and when, THERE’S MORE! I’ve got some great books to giveaway!
Signed Giveaway
2 winners will each get signed copies of After and Before by Anna Todd; 1 winner will get a signed copy of The Problem with Forever by Jennifer L. Armentrout; 1 winner will get a signed copy of The Lovely Reckless by Kami Garcia; 1 winner will get a signed copy of Yellow Brick War by Danielle Paige. That means there will be 5 winners in total; U.S. only entrants; winners announced on RT Teen Page Friday, March 25th.
To enter:
(click on each requirement below)
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