One of the most addicting books of the year!
A story about a girl breaking free from her past and finding the courage to be her true self. Filled with seduction, struggle and star power, I couldn’t put this book down. And god, it’s absolutely off-the-charts, intensely hot!
So how did I get myself into this situation, you ask? Simple: desperation. When you’re faced with being homeless and hungry or taking off your clothes for money, the choice is easier than you’d imagine. That doesn’t make it easy, though. Oh no. I hate it, in fact. There’s nothing I’d like more than to quit and never go into another bar again, never hear the techno beat pulsing in my ears again, never feel the lecherous gazes of horny men again.
Then, one day, I meet a man. He’s in my club, front and center. He watches me do my routine, and his gaze is full of hunger. Not the kind of desire I’m used to though. It’s something different. Something hotter, deeper, and more possessive. I know who he is; of course I do. Everyone knows who Dawson Kellor is. He’s People Magazine’s Sexiest Man alive. He’s the hottest actor in Hollywood. He’s the man hand-picked for the role of Rhett Butler in the long-awaited remake of Gone With the Wind.
He’s the kind of man who can have any woman in the entire world with a mere crook of his finger. So what’s he doing looking at me like he has to have me? And how do I resist him when he looks at me with those intoxicating, changeable, quicksilver eyes?
I’m a virgin, and he’s an American icon of male sexuality. I’m a stripper, and he’s a man used to getting anything and everything he wants. And he wants me. I know I should say no, I know he’s the worst kind of player…but what my mind knows, my body and my heart may not.
And then things get complicated.
Holy. Freaking. Hotness. This book was H.O.T. I usually don’t start my reviews by talking about sex. But screw it, let’s go there! This book has some of the most intense, erotic, emotional and hottest sex scenes ever. Not even kidding. You’ll see! I bow down to Jasinda, who so adeptly wrote these steamy scenes. Girls, I suggest you battery-power your fans before you start reading this book!
Second point. This book was incredibly addictive and captivating, I read the whole thing in practically one sitting. And it’s not just the steaminess… because I’ll tell you, you kind of have to work up to that and the payoff is well worth it, but it’s also the story. It sucks you in. Grey Amundsen is the daughter of a pastor, a dancer who wants to work in film and rebel against the strictness of her conservative upbringing. And I mean seriously strict.
She battles with her inner self for years, until tragedy strikes and she’s forced to break free, whether she’s ready or not. Forced to survive with only $400 to her name, she enrolls in college. Soon, however, the money begins to run out and she’s forced to take a job that symbolizes every sinful thing her father warned her about.
I really felt for Grey during these beginning moments in the book. I could feel her distress, frustration and heartache. But when her dire situation forces her into the world of stripping, I cringed for her, it was as if you could see her heart breaking, feeling the nausea that crept up each time she had to get on that stage. But she’s focused on school, on her career, on her new internship in the movie industry. So, who of course walks in to her life unexpectedly?
Dawson Kellor.
gulp. double gulp. (gets out fan)
Dawson is a Hollywood god… famous and gorgeous and known for the gaggle of women that surround him. But when Grey and Dawson meet, there’s an undeniable connection. It’s as if he can see right through to the core of her. And the connection isn’t just at an emotional level, desire explodes immediately with a single touch. Surprises continue as destiny throws Dawson and Grey together under different circumstances, throwing more fuel into the fiery flames of their desire. The more time they spend together, the more Grey experiences dueling feelings of both insecurity and confidence. Although she begins to feel an empowering surge of boldness and desire, she wonders how could someone like him want an inexperienced girl from Georgia. A stripper? A virgin?
But he sees her. The real her. He sees her struggles, her beauty, her repressed sensuality.
They also fulfill the needs of the other. Grey is crippled by insecurity and thoughts of sin, feeling too much that she continues to run away when moments become too intense and real. Dawson, on the other hand, feels too little… his own warped upbringing leaving him bereft of sincere love and affection… so when he finally finds someone that cares for him and makes him burst with a sundry of uncontrollable emotion, he can’t get enough of her. He’s romance and carnality and bright lights all rolled into one sexy man who is falling for this southern girl.
And when they finally come together, stars explode and desire burns unabashedly. Here is where Jasinda’s praise-worthy skill for smut is made evident. Seriously, these scenes are scorching. Intense. Emotional. And absolutely heart-faltering HOT. Grey discovers her inner sex vixen, her world suddenly bright with color and unstoppable sensuality. I couldn’t believe when it ended… it almost felt abrupt because I wanted more! This book is a wham-bam-thank-you-maam of intense emotion, drama and seduction that left me reeling and swooning and fanning myself for hours after I was done. I am so impressed at Jasinda Wilder’s writing skill and range… that she can write something so deeply intense and beautiful such as Falling Into You (which mind you, also had some incredibly hot scenes) evoking big, fat tears and then deliver something so enjoyable and sexy, an almost guilty pleasure like Stripped. This may be my new obsession of the moment! This is the perfect read to devour in between series, that will leave you feeling hot, bothered and totally satisfied 🙂
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Jasinda Wilder is a Michigan native with a penchant for titillating tales about sexy men and strong women. When she’s not writing, she’s probably shopping, baking, or reading. Some of her favorite authors include Nora Roberts, JR Ward, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Liliana Hart and Bella Andre. She loves to travel and some of her favorite vacations spots are Las Vegas, New York City and Toledo, Ohio. You can often find Jasinda drinking sweet red wine with frozen berries and eating a cupcake. Jasinda is represented by Kristin Nelson of the Nelson Literary Agency.
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