I’m so excited to show you these two beautiful covers!!! Inflict, the second and upcoming book in the New Adult PNR series, Muse, will be out in January. Inspire, book 1, has also received a cover makeover! Both covers were designed by the talented Regina Wamba of Mae I Design. Inspire Kalliope lives with one purpose. To inspire….
My Thoughts A stirring romance with a supernatural twist that is deliciously sexy and entirely addictive. Related Posts: Epic Paranormals | Love In Suspense: Exclusive Excerpt from Inspire by Cora Carmack Inspire: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes Synopsis Kalliope lives with one purpose. To inspire. As an immortal muse, she doesn’t have any other choice….
Paranormal romance (PNR) is probably my very favorite genre of choice. I love the world building, the mystery and magic, the supernatural richness vitalizing a story that is all romance, suspense and sexiness. We’ve seen lots of Young Adult and Adult paranormal, and finally, we’re seeing more New Adult titles on the burgeoning list of PNR must reads….