READING THIS WEEK: Click on image to buy (if available now) First off, welcome to almost 1,000 new followers!!! 🙂 This week, I am purposefully not doing a full reading schedule! Recently, I’ve been feeling like I’m such a slave to it, that I feel like changing it up! I have a general set of…
You may have noticed I haven’t been online as much lately… I’ve been super busy with some new things in the works including getting a new website launched very, very soon! Stay tuned! Lots of new features for you that I think you guys will love! And it’s real, real PURRRRTY!!! 🙂 Also, I’m currently…
READING THIS WEEK: Click on image to buy (if available now) Â Â Â CURRENTLY READING: MUST READ OF THE WEEK: The Light in the Wound by Christine Brae – A beautiful, powerful, honest and emotional story that had my thoughts swirling, my heart filled with a wide range of emotions as I felt my way through…
Hope everyone is having an awesome long weekend, cramming as much reading as is humanly possible!!! I know I am! I’ve had to juggle my reading schedule with some beta reads lately, but looking forward to what I’ve got coming up! Make sure to check out the Labor Day book sales for some great deals!…
This week was an emotional roller coaster with reading The Bronze Horseman trilogy. These three books have made me cry more than I can remember crying with any book. It’s an amazing, breathtaking, beautifully written series that is irrevocably unforgettable! READING THIS WEEK: Click on image to buy    MUST READ OF THE WEEK: One…
I had such a great time at the Denton Author Event this weekend! I met new authors, saw friends and had too many fan-girl moments to mention! I’m a little behind from this weekend, so this week’s newsletter is just a little shortened 🙂 Also, please make sure to join me for a video interview…
I got a lot of reading done this week… 6 books! I am constantly in awe of the amazing stories out there that I continue to uncover. I decided to move some reads around last minute, and read Fear of Falling (which was stellar; working on my review now) sooner, therefore moving Rock Chick #2 to this…
So last weekend I had the opportunity to attend Book Bash in Orlando. I can’t tell you just how fun it was to be there… to meet our favorite authors, get to know other bloggers and meet readers that are just as passionate about the books they read as I am. Some of the best…
This week is going to be nuts! I am beyond excited to go to Book Bash in Orlando! BB is actually my first signing event. I’ve been blogging for almost 4 months now and I’ve had the chance to get to know some wonderful authors and bloggers, many of whom I’m lucky to call my…
WEEKLY RECAP: Happy Father’s Days to all the dads out there! To our hubbies… thanks for letting us get lost in our Kindle day after day… for watching the kids when we’re “at a really good part”… when you don’t say anything after we tell you we’ll be done in just “one more chapter.” 🙂…
WEEKLY RECAP: It was a week of surprise reads for me… I love it when you start a book, not knowing what you’re going to get into and it surprises you by being damn good! My very good surprises were the first two books in the Shattered Hearts series by Cassia Leo and A Different…
WEEKLY RECAP: It was a busy week and frankly, I kept thinking about The Sea of Tranquility! I’m still not over it! Such an amazing book! (Make sure you enter the giveaway!) My TBR list started to get another big growth push this week, so I’m starting to feel the… “OMG!!!!-I-HAVE-TOO-MUCH-TO-READ” crazies! 🙂 I’m also…
WEEKLY RECAP It was a week of powerful reads–from the beautiful, dark and brilliantly-constructed The Siren by Tiffany Reisz to the shocking and heart-breaking Going Under by S.Walden to most recently, the seductive and romantic Beauty From Pain by Georgia Cates, I couldn’t be happier with what I’ve read this week… And now, my heart…