The captivating missing piece that completes one of the most intricate, enthralling and suspenseful stories I’ve ever read.
THE MISSING YEARS is the final piece to Aleatha Romig’s CONSEQUENCES SERIES puzzle. Follow the twists and turns as secrets are revealed, consequences are delivered, and the future is shown.
In CONVICTED we saw what happened that fateful afternoon at the Rawlings Estate. Now experience the shocking repercussions firsthand. More than a companion, this full-length novel fills in the gap of time that was only mentioned, beginning when Claire Nichols forgets and seen through the eyes of collective men (the HIS is plural).
In THE MISSING YEARS, readers will see Anthony Rawlings fight for what belongs to him and cope with the reality of his past. Watch as Harrison Baldwin discovers the truth that threatens his beliefs, and as John Vandersol comes to terms with his revelations. Witness Phillip Roach, as he decides with whom his loyalties lay, and Brent Simmons, as he demonstrates the meaning of friendship—no matter the cost.
As the pieces of the puzzle fall into place, BEHIND HIS EYES CONVICTED goes beyond. This final installment of the series offers a glimpse into the future of the lives that will forever be changed because there was a man who…
Once upon a time, signed a napkin that he knew was a contract. As an esteemed businessman, he forgot one very important rule—he forgot to read the fine print. It wasn’t an acquisition to own another person as he’d previously assumed. It was an agreement to acquire a soul.
—Aleatha Romig, CONVICTED
I think audible gasps were heard when we all started the third book in the series, Convicted. Shock and confusion and anger are some of the sentiments that come top of mind. WHAT had happened? HOW did we get to a place where Claire was mentally gone? WHERE was Tony? After everything that had transpired. Everything Claire had endured… and forgiven. Every moment of transformation that Tony had worked for. It seemed as it was all for naught. Luckily, we know the story has a happy ending, but what we did not know (until now) are the events that led to that insane beginning. The Missing Years is a full-length novel imparted through the eyes of the men in Claire’s life. Tony. Phil. John. Harry. Brent. We get a slice of the story, one perspective at a time, helping us to discover not only what happened, but also how their emotions shaped the decisions they made that would also have a hand in the story’s conclusion.
The story begins beautifully. We see how happy Tony and Claire are with their daughter. We see the joy and fullness in their lives. They finally had their happy ending, or so we thought. Tony’s desire for control has morphed into a laser-sharp focus on protecting his family. He never expected that kind of life for himself. So when they return to the states due to concerns with John and Emily, everything unexpectedly unravels. There are so many problems that arise. Legal. Medical. Emotional. We see Tony struggle to contain his temper and think rationally. There were certainly staggering consequences to every decision he would make now. I think that seeing Tony be fearful for his family showed a vulnerability we hadn’t seen before.
Tony is such a well-developed character by the story’s end and we really get to focus in on how his transformation progressed, one difficult moment at a time. His love for Claire and Nichol are consuming and he’s willing to do whatever it takes to get his family back together. I had to love Brent and Courtney for their resolute support of Tony. Emily and John are determined to protect Claire, and in their eyes, that means keeping Tony away. That is such an agonizing situation and I openly admit that Emily frustrated the heck out of me despite understanding her choices were rooted in love for her sister. Nonetheless, I felt I understood John so much better and we got to see his character evolve as well as he began to understand the events leading up to the chaos at Tony’s estate.
One of the ingenious elements that Aleatha Romig included was passages from Meredith’s book. We experience Claire’s story both through her own words and through the perspective of each man reading it. It’s a symbolic representation of the journey Claire and Tony had taken together. It continues to shock me how much Claire endured and subsequently forgave. When the world around them struggled to process every awful choice Tony had made, Claire loved him. She believed that everything that had occurred ultimately led them to each other and that it was that very thing that mattered the most.
At one point, Tony sees a therapist and those passages were probably my favorite in the book. Tony shed control and we were able to see an exposed, unguarded side to him. The therapist challenged him and questioned him and I simply felt that I understood Tony’s turmoil even better. With chaos raging around him, he had to be clear-headed, understanding how his actions had affected Claire in the past and how they would affect her now. It warmed my heart to see how much he truly loved her by then. He would fight for her.
We get a lot of background to not only what happened before and during Convicted, but also we learn more about related events linked to supporting characters. You’ll love Phil even more. You’ll understand John. You’ll thank Harry. Aleatha truly delivered everything I didn’t realized I needed. The book was skillfully structured and thoughtful. It gave me a much deeper understanding of both characters and events. I am such a huge fan of the series. The meticulousness, thoroughness and thoughtfulness imbued in all of the books is striking, making Aleatha’s talent self evident. If you are a fan of the series, and have read Consequences, Truth, and Convicted, this is a book you definitely shouldn’t miss.
Click on the cover image below to purchase through Amazon.
My reviews: Consequences | Truth | Convicted | BHE: Consequences | The Missing Years
Reading Order: Consequences | Truth | Convicted | Revealed – The Missing Years | BHE Consequences (companion) | BHE Truth (companion) | A Peek Beyond the Consequences (novella)
Aleatha Romig is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, who has been voted #1 “New Author to Read” on Goodreads, July 2012 – Present!
Aleatha has lived most of her life in Indiana, growing-up in Mishawaka, graduating from Indiana University, and currently living south of Indianapolis. Together with her high-school sweetheart and husband of twenty seven years, they’ve raised three children. Before she became a full-time author, she worked days as a dental hygienist and spent her nights writing. Now, when she’s not imagining mind-blowing twists and turns, she likes to spend her time with her family and friends. Her pastimes include exercising, reading, and creating heroes/ anti-heroes who haunt your dreams!
Aleatha enjoys traveling, especially when there is a beach involved. In 2011 she had the opportunity to visit Sydney, Australia to visit her daughter studying at the University of Wollongong. Her dream is to travel to places in her novels and around the world.
CONSEQUENCES, her first novel, was released August 2011 by Xlibris Publishing. Then in October of 2012, Ms. Romig re-released CONSEQUENCES as an indie author. TRUTH, the sequel, was released October 30, 2012, and CONVICTED, the final installment of the Consequences Series, was released October 8, 2013! She is now releasing the CONSEQUENCES READING COMPANIONS: BEHIND HIS EYES – A trilogy of companions, from Anthony Rawlings’ POV.
Aleatha is a “Published Author’s Network” member of the Romance Writers of America and represented by Danielle Egan-Miller of Brown and Miller Literary Associates.
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