Review + Excerpt: When Life Gives You Lululemons - Vilma Iris | Lifestyle Blogger

New York Times best-selling author Lauren Weisberger returns with a novel starring one of her favorite characters from The Devil Wears Prada – Emily Charlton, first assistant to Miranda Priestly, now a highly successful image consultant who’s just landed the client of a lifetime.

Welcome to Greenwich, CT, where the lawns are manicured, the Long Island iced teas are extra strong, and heads turn when an infamous new neighbor arrives for an extended long weekend.

After Emily Charlton left Miranda Priestly and Runway magazine, she migrated to Los Angeles with her husband, working most recently as an image consultant to the stars. But recently Emily’s lost a few clients. She’s struggling. When the opportunity arrives to reinvent and relaunch a gorgeous former model whose mugshot graces the cover of the New York Post, Emily jumps at the chance. Relaunching Karolina is the big leagues.

Until eight weeks ago, Karolina was also the wife of an up-and-coming hotshot senator from New York. On the heels of her husband’s very public philandering, Karolina finds herself arrested for drunk driving – with a Suburban full of other people’s children. Her only true friend is Miriam, a hotshot New York City attorney turned stay-at-home-mom who lives in tiny Greenwich – conveniently close to Karolina and Graham’s summer “cottage”.

Miriam, Emily, and Karolina make an unlikely trio, but they need each other. Badly. Together, they’ll navigate the social landmines of the suburbs on the path to reinvention – unearthing truths that were stirring below the surface all along, and getting a bit of revenge along the way. With her signature biting, dazzling style, Lauren Weisberger offers a glittering look into a sexy, over-the-top world like no one else can.


A Devil Wears Prada

Book 3

Can be read as a standalone

Book Type:

Women's Fiction/ Humor

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Review + Excerpt: When Life Gives You Lululemons
By Lauren Weisberger

Review + Excerpt: When Life Gives You Lululemons

Emily Charlton—the snippy first assistant to Miranda Priestly in THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA—tries to save her suddenly failing career as an image consultant in the deliciously funny WHEN LIFE GIVES YOU LULULEMONS.

Emily’s losing her Hollywood clients thanks to a new Millennial rival who’s luring scandal-prone stars with her social media savvy. The last thing she wants to do is go back to Runway and Miranda, but if she doesn’t land a big client soon, she may not have another choice.

Meanwhile, in Greenwich, Connecticut, Karolina Hartwell—former supermodel and wife of a senator angling for a presidential bid—gets pulled over for drunk driving while kids are in her car. Trouble is, Karolina stands to lose everything now that she’s become a social pariah.

When Emily visits childhood friend Miriam Kagan—attorney turned stay-at-home mom—she learns all about what happened to Karolina, and something just doesn’t seem to add up.

The three of them posse up to help Karolina, as they each navigate life in a suburban town with athleisure-wearing, beauty-obsessed housewives whose shallow conversations are sure to evoke eye rolls and laughs alike.

This is a great beach read with a fast-moving plot punctuated by juicy secrets, amusing encounters and rich-people scandals. While there isn’t much character dimension or development (especially for Emily), this novel is a fun escape full of girl solidarity, as well as a juicy exploration of how things are not always what they seem amongst the rich and beautiful.

It was only the beginning of mile two, and she felt like she might die of suffocation. Her breaths came in jagged gulps, but no matter how deeply she took in air, Miriam was unable to slow her heart rate. She checked her Fitbit for the thousandth time in the past sixteen minutes—how could it have been only sixteen minutes?!—and briefly worried that the reading of 165 might kill her. Which would officially make her the only woman in all of Greenwich, or perhaps all the earth, who had dropped dead after running—really, if she were being honest, walking—a single lousy mile in sixteen minutes.

But she had shown up! Wasn’t that what all the feel-good bloggers and motivational authors were always screeching about? No judgments, just show up! Show up and you’ve already won the battle! Don’t expect perfection—showing up is perfect for right now!

“Fuckers,” she mumbled, streaming massive puffs of steam in the freezing January air. Motivating for a jog at seven o’clock in the morning on January 3—and a Sunday, no less—was more than just showing up. It was a downright triumph.

“Morning!” a woman called as she raced by Miriam on the left, nearly jolting what was left of her heart into immediate cardiac arrest.

“Hi!” Miriam shouted to the back of the woman, who ran like a black-clad gazelle: Lululemon leggings with elaborate mesh cutouts that looked both cool and extremely cold; fitted black puffer that ended at her nonexistent hips; black Nikes on her feet; and some sort of technical-looking hat with the cutest puffball on top and a special cutout hole for ponytails. Her legs went on forever, and her butt looked so firm that it wouldn’t possibly hold so much as a bobby pin underneath, never mind a full-size hairbrush, which Miriam had once tucked successfully and devastatingly under her left ass cheek.

Miriam slowed to a walk, but before she could regain anything resembling composure, two women in outfits nearly identical to the one she’d just seen ran toward Miriam on the opposite side of the street. A golden retriever pulled happily on the leash of the hot pink puffer coat while a panting chocolate Lab yanked along the woman in the army green. The entire entourage looked like a mobile Christmas card and was moving at a brisk pace.

“Happy New Year,” the golden owner said as they sprinted past Miriam.

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