There are so many beauty benefits to sleeping on a silk or satin pillowcase. They are hypollergenic, helps minimize wrinkles, and is nicer to your hair and complexion. You’ll see how much softer your skin will feel, as silk does a better job of keeping moisture in (as compared to cotton). If you have sensitive skin, you may even see less irritation. You’ll also see less breakage in your hair thanks to the silky, smooth surface.
For some reason, I need my hair out of my face at night and I used to tie it back with a regular hairband until I realized how much breakage it caused. Thank the beauty gods for silk scrunchies because it allows me to pull my hair back without damage. I’m also using these around the house because they just tug less on your hair. One last tip: don’t pull your hair back too tightly.
I’m a big believer in masks, I use one at least every other day, sometimes even more. Things get busy, however, and I run out of time. I’ve found a really great time to mask is before I shower. I slather my mask of choice before I prep. I do all the things I need to do like take out my outfit for the day, my towels, etc, then, I scrub off after I wash my hair and body. Pores are nice and open and it’s easy to wash it all off cleanly. When I’m out of the shower, my skin is primed for all my skincare too.
Check out my favorite masks here.
Recently, I realized much of the hyperpigmentation around my face is due to sun damage likely due to exposure in the car. The average American spends 55 minutes in the car a day and UV rays (especially the longer wavelength type – UVA) can penetrate the windows. Additionally, because U.S. drivers sit on the left side of the car, skin cancer and sun damage are more common on the left side of the body (where my own hyperpigmentation is worst). To help protect my skin, I keep a powder sunscreen in the car, which I diligently swipe on every time I drive.
See my list of other summer essentials here.
I don’t breakout very often, thankfully, and one of the ways I ensure it doesn’t happen is by super cleaning my face on days I wear makeup. Cleansing is especially important at night, when you need to remove dirt, grime and pollutants that have accumulated during the day. Double cleansing helps get your skin really clean.
I start with an oil-based cleanser to wipe off makeup and yucky oil buildup, while leaving the healthy, hydrating oils behind. Then I use a lathering or exfoliating cleanser to get deeper into the pores, scrubbing away any leftover impurities. If your skin is super sensitive, use a gentle cleanser.
Pick from my list of recommended cleansers here.
Okay, don’t think it’s all shaving cream and Gilette. It’s like dermaplaning at home, which means removing dead skin cells and that fine hair on your face. I’ve never been really hairy, to be honest, but about a year ago, I decided to try it as a means to help makeup and skincare products sink better into my skin. Since the first time I did it, I never looked back. My skin is beautifully soft and makeup goes on smoother as a result.
Hair WILL NOT grow back faster or thicker either, so don’t worry about that. Find yourself a facial razor (there are many types), and pulling your skin taut, use short, downward strokes. It doesn’t hurt at all, and I do it about once a week. Make sure to moisturize afterwards. I swear, it’s amazing and not a big deal at all.
This seems like a big ol’ duh, right? But since I was young, I got into the habit of brushing my locks before bed. Using a natural bristle brush or wide tooth comb, I brush my hair from root to tip. This helps untangle, eliminate buildup, stimulate capillaries and distribute natural scalp oils for a healthy shine.
If you’re searching for some new hair care finds, check out my post on recent faves.