CRASH DASH Day 15 - Deleted Scene Excerpt and Giveaway - Vilma Iris | Lifestyle Blogger

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CRASH DASH Day 15 – Deleted Scene Excerpt and Giveaway

ROMEI’m a huge fan of the Driven trilogy and Crashed, the final installment did not disappoint!!! Explosive, emotional, sexy and addictive, Crashed consumed me in every way, giving me the perfect ending to Colton and Rylee’s story.

★ Read my 5-star review of Crashed here ★

I’m also really excited to be a part of this CRASH DASH scavenger hunt, which is comprised of three elements:

  1. A fun serialization where you get to visit each blog on the tour to read a special Chapter 12 deleted scene from Crashed in Colton’s POV! Follow along by visiting the CRASH DASH page! My stop marks the 15th day of the Dash and you can read the excerpt of the deleted scene below.
  2. An actual contest with tasks you must complete in order to be entered to win a signed set of the entire trilogy (plus runner-up prizes). See The Rules of Crash Dash directly underneath the excerpt.
  3. A unique giveaway for each hosting blog, which you can enter through the rafflecopter at the end of this post!
Excerpt – Chapter 12

crashedNot ever to Rylee.

It feels so good to let it all out—the confusion, the loss of hope, the dying of my redemption—yet hurts so bad as the tears fight their way out and scorch my face. Singe my soul. Crumble possibilities.

I squeeze my eyes shut and try to shut out the memories that I do have. The ones flickering like a strobe light through the haze of my time with Rylee. The tears turn to silent sobs and eventually even those dissipate into hitching breaths.

The Rules of Crash Dash

The premise of Colton & Rylee’s Awesome Scavenger Hunt (CRASH) is to create a fun task list for readers to complete and at the same time experience their own Driven trilogy trip down memory lane just as Rylee did in Crashed. There are 22 tasks. Readers must complete 20 of the 22 tasks to be entered into the final grand prize drawing (complete signed set of the Driven trilogy). Visit THIS PAGE for instructions on how to submit your proof of task completed.

Here is your task: Take a picture of you by a random sign that is the number ’13’!!!

Links to Blogs in the Dash:
Reading Order, Links, Reviews

      driven fueled crashed

My Reviews: Driven | Fueled | Crashed

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a Rafflecopter giveaway

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