Exclusive Excerpt + Giveaway: We Were Here by Daisy Prescott - Vilma Iris | Lifestyle Blogger

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Exclusive Excerpt + Giveaway: We Were Here by Daisy Prescott

We Were Here

Daisy Prescott has a new standalone romance and if you love the 90s like I do, it’s a book that shouldn’t be missed!!! I’m thrilled to share an excerpt with you from We Were Here, which is now available! Make sure you scroll down to the bottom to enter to win a signed copy and an Amazon gift card!

Get it now: Amazon | iBooks | Barnes & Noble ✦


In the 90s …

texting involved paper and a pen …

our selfies were Polaroids …

our favorite music was on mix tapes.

Sex was dangerous, music was raw, and falling in love felt nostalgic.

We were friends and lovers.

We thought we knew everything.

We knew nothing.

We were here.

This is the story of seven college friends, falling in and out of love, and discovering who they are. Set in the early 1990s, a time before the internet, social media, and smart phones, We Were Here is the prequel to Geoducks Are For Lovers. 


“We were freshmen when we agreed to be filmed every year for his documentary. I was barely eighteen and hadn’t voted in a presidential election yet. I believe that means I wasn’t an adult, and therefore incapable of giving consent.” Maggie picks at her salad.

“Come on, guys, think of how fun this will be. Our lives and friendships captured on VHS for eternity. Owen could become the next Spielberg and we’ll all end up in the Smithsonian.” Quinn’s blue eyes dance with dreams of fame and notoriety.

“What’s going to be fun?” Gil sits down at the far end of the table. Maggie’s glance flicks over to him for a second, then returns to her salad plate.

“Owen’s documentary is showing tonight,” Jo explains.

“The one we started as freshmen?” Gil shakes his head. “No way. Lived it. Don’t need to watch it.”

“Really?” Maggie focuses her attention on him.

“Don’t you remember my glasses?” He draws large circles around his eyes.

“Didn’t you have a mullet, too?” Selah runs her hand over his dark shoulder-length hair. He’s the poster boy for grunge music in his thrift store cardigan and faded Levis. Today’s shirt is one of those old golf shirts with the little penguin over his heart. I remember my dad wearing them.

He leans away to escape her petting. “It was an awkward period all around. You try growing out your hair and not have a mullet at some point.”

“I’m not taking no for an answer. We’re all going. We’re almost done with college. The time for nostalgia and reminiscing is upon us. These are the days …” Quinn sings the last sentence, and we all groan.

“I’ll go.” Ben finally joins the conversation. “We all should go. Quinn’s right. It’s the end of an era. We’ll never be this young and stupid again. We might as well enjoy it while we can.”

“Ben speaks.” Quinn pats him on the back. “Okay, we’ll meet outside the theater at seven-thirty sharp.”

“The documentary doesn’t start until eight.” Selah pulls the invitation out of her satchel and points at the time.

“I know, dear, but some of us are always late.” He nods toward Maggie.

Maggie glares at him. “I’m not always late.”

“Okay, Caterpillar.”

“You mean the White Rabbit. Quit mixing your metaphors.” Selah corrects him.

I smile at the use of her nickname from our first year.

It’s highly probable I might be the only one looking forward to seeing our friendships and lives as they evolved over the past four years. The same good-hearted bickering that’s seen us through countless dramas, failed love affairs, growing pains, and endless nights talking continues around the table.

With graduation a few weeks away, I’m trying to capture every moment and save them away for later. Who knows where our lives will take us or what fate has in store for us in the future. I want to stay in the present for as long as possible.

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