Sexy, heartwarming and romantic.
A perfect ending to a great series. Loved every moment.
Rush promised her forever… but promises can be broken.
Torn between his love for his family and his love for Blaire, Rush has to find a way to save one without losing the other. In the end one has to be more important. Letting go isn’t easy.
Blaire believed in her fairytale… but no one can live in a fantasy.
Her love for Rush and desire to have a family keep her believing that they can find a way for this to work. Until she has to make the right decision for her and the baby. Even if it breaks her heart.
Can they find the forever that they both want or has it all just gone… too far?
It’s always hard to finish the last book in a series that you’ve loved… and I have loved this series. I feel really connected to this whole cast of characters from Rush and Blaire to Woods, Della, Grant, Bethy, Jace… I love all of them… okay, well… all of them except Nan! She’s such a huge pain in the butt! But I digress… If you have enjoyed Fallen Too Far and Never Too Far, you will love this book! It’s a perfect conclusion and it left me feeling happy and satisfied with the evolution of their story. This last book deals with Blaire and Rush really making it to the next stage of their relationship. It’s about how they finally overcome dealing with the same issues that have caused tension in the past. It’s a story of love and forgiveness and making your significant other the priority above all else.
Rush was incredibly loving in this book and I found myself thinking back to the first time I met Rush… that gorgeous, but arrogant, indifferent playboy at the party. It made my heart swell thinking how much he had grown since then… how he had changed once he found the love of his life.
It’s evident and palpable how much Rush loves Blaire. He’s crazy happy and hopeful about their future together. He’s of course overprotective and possessive with Blaire (he wouldn’t be the Rush we love if he wasn’t) and fusses over her constantly.
Enter Nan. To cause trouble. Again.
She is a pro at consuming the attention of those around her, especially Rush. I really felt for him… the situations he continued to find himself were difficult ones. He’s caught between the sorrow and responsibility he feels for Nan and his love and desire to be with Blaire. You almost couldn’t win in these situations and he always had to choose someone over the other. He needed, however, to show Blaire she always came first.
I think that a large part of this book is about Rush really moving away from what his life has been like to what he wants his life to be now. His family has been the trigger that inadvertently makes him fall back to his old ways and he desperately wants to be in control of his new life, far away from them. I did, however, love seeing Dean, his dad, in this book. You’ll see when you read it… I thought the moments Dean shared with Blaire and Rush were really emotive and special.
Rush really makes the book though. He’s so openly affectionate and expressive of how much he loves Blaire that I just fell harder in Rush-Crush-love.
We also see an increased focus on the supporting characters in this book. Della and Woods are present in the background and their story even evolves a little. In addition, we see the setup of Grant’s story, which is yet to come.
Overall, I’ll repeat what I said above, if you’re a fan of the series, you’ll love this last book! There’s no unnecessary big drama that happens, it’s all feeling and emotion and them learning to build their new life together with each other as their main priority. I felt really happy in the end and I can’t wait to continue with the next set off spin-off books.
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